You’ll have the opportunity to participate in:

Mentorship Program

Social Impact and Entrepreneurship Courses

Impact Series

Major + Minor
A lifetime of impact begins.
The Bachelor of Science in Social Impact and Entrepreneurship from Lynn University, in collaboration with Watson Institute, is for students who have a strong passion and commitment to make a difference in the world. The right candidate has agency in their own development, a growth mindset with a healthy dose of curiosity, and a passion for impact and systemic change.
Ideal candidates have a passion for a particular issue or set of challenges but are not sure how to tackle them. This program is built for students looking to launch a multi-layered career with impact at its core and provides training in business and entrepreneurship.
Please contact Javi Lopez, Director of Admission for Watson Institute, at with any questions you may have about the application process.
Applying to this program takes three steps

Apply to Lynn University
Lynn University and Watson Institute work together because we believe that to solve the toughest challenges facing the world, we must equip the next generation with the necessary tools, network, mindset, and courage to unleash a lifetime of impact.
This Watson Institute program is hosted at Lynn University and students must complete a Lynn University application:

Chat with a Watson team member
Upon completion of the separate Lynn University, your submissions will be evaluated and you will be invited for a conversation with a Watson Institute team member.
This is an opportunity for the team to learn more about your mission and motivations for applying to the Bachelor of Science in social impact and entrepreneurship from Lynn University, in collaboration with Watson Institute.
Please contact Javi Lopez, Director of Admission for Watson Institute, at

Apply to Watson Institute
This collaboration between Watson Institute and Lynn University in Boca Raton, FL, brings together a cohort of change agents and leaders from across the globe to build careers that align with their values and contribute to solving the toughest challenges facing the world.
Once you have completed the Lynn University application, you will be provided a supplemental Watson Institute application.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there any extra cost for joining the Social Impact and Entrepreneurship major at Lynn University?
There is not. Every undergraduate major selection at Lynn has the same cost.
How would my class schedule and courses look for the Social Impact and Entrepreneurship major?
Contact Javi Lopez, Director of Admission, at to build your potential class schedule.
Is it common to consider combining the Social Impact and Entrepreneurship major and another major?
Yes, and it’s perfectly fine as long as it aligns with your goals and interests!
What are the benefits that I will be able to obtain in the Social Impact and Entrepreneurship major?
From Impact Speaker Series in which you can learn from successful entrepreneurs from around the world to a mentorship program that connects you with an entrepreneur and professional who will guide your career growth. The Watson Institute at Lynn University provides this and additional advantages such as weekly community engagement activities and others.
Where can I learn about the Social Impact and Entrepreneurship courses?
Check out the academic catalog and a description of each course here.
Can I connect with current students from the Social Impact and Entrepreneurship major to learn about their experiences?
Absolutely, feel free to contact Javier Lopez, Director of Admission, at so he can connect you with a current student and provide you with additional information about this academic major at Lynn!
If I have signed up to participate in the Insitute for Achievement and Learning (IAL) program, how will I be able to merge this commitment with the Social Impact and Entrepreneurship major?
This is completely possible. Some current Social Impact and Entrepreneurship major students make use of the IAL as well.
What should I do if I am interested in the Social Impact and Entrepreneurship major but also wish to study my original major?
This is perfectly acceptable, and we support it! You can study your original interest as a minor while also majoring in Social Impact and Entrepreneurship. Thus, you accomplish both of your desires!