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Loic Kaze


Loic-Davy Kaze was born and raised in the small East African country of Burundi. He is a graduate from the African Leadership Academy whose passion is performing arts. He has created the Arts Scholars Program (ASP), which is a four week program that seeks to teach the youth across the globe about entrepreneurship in the sector of performing arts.

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou


languages that he speaks


languages that he speaks


miles he needed to travel to get to his grandmother's home

Protect your courage

Loic-Davy Kaze, an 18-year-old from Burundi, is a strong believer in the power of performing arts in order to bring people together for a common cause.

Growing up, he developed a strong passion for dance, music and theatre and realized that he was one of the lucky few who had parents support his decision to pursue these interests. He also realized that many of his artistically talented friends did not have the support that he had, obliging them to settle for what others deemed “appropriate”.

Combining his passions with the lessons learnt about entrepreneurial leadership at the African Leadership Academy, from which he recently graduated, Loic created the Arts Scholars Program (ASP). ASP is a four-week program that seeks to promote the arts in the entrepreneurship field, empowering students to create their own startups while following their artistic passions.