Zach Gambill
Mission: to breed horseshoe crabs and extract proteins from their eggs, which are incredibly important for research in cancer treatments and regenerative medicine.
“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” - Nelson Mandela
Protect your courage
Since the age of two, Zach has been on the road, moving around the world and growing up with a global perspective. Being raised in an international business environment while simultaneously fostering a love for aquatic life, Zach has used his passion and experiences to bridge the two together, building businesses using little-known advances in marine biology to enact change and create solutions to larger world problems. In 2014, Zach became the first person to mate horseshoe crabs year-round, and he has since developed a business called Xyphos Labs to use his success with mating to disrupt modern medicine. With Xyphos Labs, Zach is breeding horseshoe crabs to extract proteins from their eggs, which are incredibly important for research in cancer treatments and regenerative medicine. In light of the potential for this venture, Zach took time off from college and moved to San Francisco to learn about startups. Somehow, between working for various incubators/accelerators, travelling around the country for conferences, and running his startup, Zach ended up at Watson University where he is continuing his research and starting to realize his vision for the future.