Allie Morgan
Allie is a rising sophomore at the University of Colorado Boulder pursuing a degree in anthropology with a minor in business and a certificate in leadership through the President’s Leadership Class. At CU and Watson, Allie is exploring innovative medical care for people in Africa.
"Protect your courage" -ERIC GLUSTROM

Protect your courage
Allie Morgan is a rising sophomore at the University of Colorado Boulder pursuing a degree in anthropology with a minor in business and a certificate in leadership through the President’s Leadership Class. In addition, she is also working to complete the required pre-med courses with the goal of attending medical school after she graduates. Outside of classes Allie volunteers as a student ambassador for the university and works as a research assistant for the Human Behavior Project. Using the various disciplines she is studying and her training as a doctor, Allie aspires to explore innovative means of providing medical aid for countries in Africa. This dream took root on a trip to Uganda where she discovered that despite the 30,000 non-government organizations working in the nation and the billions of dollars of aid poured into the region, there were a mere 300 doctors working in the country. Because the current approach to foreign aid has not created lasting change in Uganda’s medical system, Allie hopes to use her background in anthropology alongside her training as a doctor to implement new systems of aid that provide the base for sustainable and stable changes to the medical system.